International Atomic Energy Agency
Database for Prompt
Gamma-ray Neutron Activation Analysis
Neutron-capture prompt-gamma activation analysis (PGAA) is particularly
valuable as a non-destructive nuclear method in the measurement of elements
that do not form neutron capture products with delayed gamma-ray emissions.
Inaccurate and incomplete data have been a significant hindrance in the
qualitative and quantitative analysis of complicated capture-gamma spectra
by means of PGAA The main reason in producing this database was to improve
the quality and quantity of the required data in order to make possible the
reliable application of PGAA in fields such as materials science, geology,
mining, archaeology, environment, food analysis and medicine.
The resulting database provides a variety of tables for all natural elements
(from H to U) including the following data: isotopic composition, thermal
radiative cross section (total and partial), Westcott g-factors, energy of
the gamma rays (prompt and delayed), decay mode, half life and
branching ratios.
Undertakes interactive
searches of the PGAA database by isotope, energy, or cross section. Data
for the viewer were received from Richard B. Firestone (Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, USA), and the viewer was developed by Viktor Zerkin
Report of the
IAEA Coordinated Research Project for the Development of a Database for
Prompt Gamma-ray Neutron Activation Analysis
Adopted PGAA database
and associated files in EXCEL, PDF, and TEXT formats. Lone et al, Reedy
and Frankle archival databases.
Adopted PGAA database in ENSDF format.
Data can be viewed with Isotope Explorer 2.2 ENSDF Viewer.
ENSDF format versions
of the adopted PGAA database, and the Budapest and ENSDF isotopic input
files. Decay scheme balance and statistical analysis summaries are provided.
Received from Richard B. Firestone (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Windows software
for viewing the level scheme drawings and tables provided in ENSDF format.
The complete ENSDF database as of December 2002 is included. Written by
S.Y. Frank Chu and Richard B. Firestone (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
USA) and L P Ekström (Lund University, Sweden).
Database developed
as part of a Coordinated Research Project for the Development of a Database
for Prompt Gamma-ray Neutron Activation Analysis sponsored by the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The data are derived from isotopic measurements
compiled in the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF), updated
when necessary, and from elemental measurements performed at the Budapest
Reactor Centre.
DURATION: 1999-2003