International Atomic Energy Agency
Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O.Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Tel:(+43 1) 2600-21714; Fax:(+43 1) 26007
Nuclear Reaction Database
Standalone Retrieval System
Version 1.10, March 2003
Vienna, 1999-2003
The goal of Nuclear Reaction Database (NRDB) project is
to combine CINDA, EXFOR, ENDF and Dictionaries
as an integrated, platform independent, relational database
with developed interfaces (Web, CD-ROM) satisfying the major users' needs.
* contains experimental nuclear reaction data
for incident neutrons, charged particles and photons.
* contains bibliographical references to experimental
nuclear reaction data and to calculations, reviews, compilations and
evaluations of neutron reaction and spontaneous fission data.
- ENDF is a collection of evaluated data libraries.
All databases are available for users via Internet and on CD-ROMs.
* EXFOR and CINDA are compiled by Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centers:
Nuclear Reaction Databases
Present Standalone Retrieval System provides interface to EXFOR and CINDA
libraries and distributed on CD-ROMs.
It was developed by Viktor Zerkin, Nuclear Data Section,
International Atomic Energy Agency, 2002-2003.
The System consist of software and databases.
Software: Java program tested on MS-Access/Windows, MySQL, Sybase/Linux and
set of batch files and executables providing conversion of EXFOR data
to computational format and plotting.
Help-information is also provided online.
Databases: EXFOR and CINDA (January-2003) under MS-Access:
- EXFOR: more then 13,500 Entries with 90,000 data tables
- CINDA: 266,000 Lines (40,500 publication in 132,500 blocks).
Java: CD-ROM contains also Java Real-time Environment (JRE: 1.3.0-C) for
Windows allowing to avoid installation of Java for Windows-users.
Fig.2 EXFOR-Java Retrieval System
Main applied features of EXFOR+CINDA/Java2
- EXFOR and CINDA databases are integrated:
- CINDA has a full authors list and title from EXFOR where it is possible
- user can get EXFOR data directly from CINDA-Selection form
- Convenient User Interface based on Java2-Swing forms
- Powerful fast search (based on SQL) with variety of criteria:
- Target, Reaction, Product, Quantity, Energy range,
- Cutoff date, Z and A-range of target/product,
- Author, Country, Reference, Reaction Sub-Fields SF1-SF9,
- Quantity Code SF5-8, Keywords Value, STATUS=SPSDD,
- Publication and Modification Dates
- Any combinations of criteria are available,
including multiple parameters, ranges and wildcards
- Input of retrieval criteria is combined with On-line help system
using EXFOR-Dictionaries
- Results of the search can be sorted by Reaction-Code, Accession#,
Block#, Publication-Code
- Summary for the selected data and Bibliograpy are provided with
explanation of the codes
- Plots of selected EXFOR data (cross section only) are generated
on request in the background and appear as a static picture
- Interactive plotting of cross section EXFOR data is provided by ZVView
Main sytem's features of EXFOR+CINDA/Java2
- Works on any platform having Java/JDBC (tested on Windows, Linux, VMS)
- Allows to work with local and remote databases at the same time
- Does not need any installation and can be used being on CD-ROM
- Long time requests of the Help-data are executed asynchronously
See "Screen Shots"
Please, send your comments by e-mail to: (Viktor Zerkin)
To order CD-ROM, please send e-mail to:
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna, 1999-2003