About TLA 


Constant EOB

After cooling

Linear EOB

After cooling

Cross sections


Producing constant activity in depth

Last updated: January 2010, by S. Takacs



Irradiation time = 1 h

Beam current = 1 mA
Eg = 934.46 keV T1/2 = 10.15 d
Ig = 99 % Tolerance = 1%

Geometry factor = 1

Irradiation angle = 90 degree

Bombarding Energy of  9.1 MeV

Cooling time = 7 days

Total activity after cooling = 482 kBq

Activity of the constant layer after cooling = 110 kBq

Specific activity at EOB = 3.885 kBq/mm

Thickness of the layer with constant activity = 28.4 mm