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WIMS Library Update Project

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Contributors to the WIMS Library Update Project

Coordinated Research Project Participants

Main contributions
Basu, S. IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, Phys. Section IAEA project officer, 2001-2002
Bhuiyan, S. AERE, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Bangladesh Calculation of TCA benchmarks, independent calculations for comparison.
Dodd, B. IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, Phys. Section IAEA project officer, 1998-2001
Erradi, L. Groupe de Physique des Réacteurs, Faculté des Sciences, Morocco Temperature Coefficient Benchmarks, TCA Benchmarks, KAMINI, KRITZ, VVER, NORA
Ellis, R. J. RSICC, Radiation Safety Information Computational Center, USA Benchmarking, independent calculations for intercomparison
Ganesan, S. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India WLUP Stage-2, Benchmarking, verification of the WIMS-D libraries using the LATTEST lattice code, XnWlup package for plotting WIMSD cross sections. Update XnWlup package (2005).
Gil, Choong-Sup KAERI, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea Prepare NJOY inputs for the JENDL-3.2 evaluated nuclear data library for 69 and 172 energy groups, TCA benchmarks, intercomparison with HELIOS1.5 and CASMO-3
Jagannathan, V. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India Benchmarking, verification of the WIMS-D libraries using the LATTEST lattice code, XnWlup package for plotting WIMSD cross sections
Jerdev, G. Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russian Federation Processing of FOND-2.2 evaluated nuclear data library, updating of the WIMS-D code for treating multiple products reactions in the burnup chain, independent calculations usig the WIMS/ABBN library.
Kulikowska,T. Institute of Atomic Energy, Poland Updated the WIMSD5 program for the 172 group library, 300 burnable nuclides, 60 burnable materials, Be numerical benchmark
Leszczynski, F. CAB-CNEA, Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Argentina Optimisation of processing methods, calculation of Goldstein-Cohen parameters, calculation the averaging flux and currents, organisation of the bulk of benchmarks, preparation of HWR benchmarks, technical coordination of the project 2000-2002.
Lopez Aldama, D. CUBAENERGIA, Centre for Information
Management and Energy Development,
Havana, Cuba

Optimisation of processing methods, updating actinides and fission products data, definition of pseudo fission product, prepare NJOY inputs for the ENDF/B-VI evaluated data library, processing the dosimetry materials, WIMS inputs of WWER criticality benchmarks and NEA/OECD burnup credit criticality benchmark, updating the number of resonance isotopes in WIMS, design and programing of WLUP Web Site. Generate 69- and 172-group WIMSD library based on JEFF-3.1 evaluated nuclear data fles. Update web site on 2003, 2004 and 2005.

Paranjpe, S. IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, Phys. Section IAEA project officer, 2002
Ping Liu China Nuclear Data Center,China Preparation of NJOY inputs for CENDL-2.1 evaluated nuclear data library and benchmarking.
Rojikhine, Y Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russian Federation WWER criticality benchmark analysis with WIMSD and KENO code, Pu-recycling benchmark
Sarker, M.M. AERE, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Bangladesh TRX, BAPL and TCA benchmarks analysis using the SCRAC and WIMSD5b codes. Analysis of TRIGA reactor of Bangladesh.
Trkov, A. IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, NDS WLUP Stage-2 Co-ordination, Upgrading WIMSR module of NJOY, Optimisation of processing methods, updating actinides and fission products data, definition of pseudo fission product, processing methods of fission product yields, calculation of energy released by fission, preparing NJOY inputs for the JEF2.2, JEFF3T and WIMSD-IAEA recommended evaluated data files, WIMS analysis of Rowlands Benchmarks, tecnical coordination of the project 1998-2000.
White, J. RSICC, Radiation Safety Information Computational Center, USA. Benchmarking, independent calculations for intercomparison
Zabrodskaia, S. Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russian Federation Benchmarking the library based on FOND-2.2 evaluated data files.
Zagar, T. IJS, Institute Jozef Stefan, Slovenia

Analysis of TRIGA benchmark of Ljubljana. Analysis of IRPhE benchmarks.

Stage1: "Initial benchmarking of WIMS-D libraries"

Alvarez Cardona, C. M. CEADEN (Centro de Estudios Aplicados al Desarrollo Nuclear), Cuba
Avila Lopez, J. IPEN (Instituto Peruano de Energia Nuclear), Peru
Balakrishnan, K. BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre), India
Ball, G. AEC (Atomic Energy Corporation), South Africa
Bhuiyan, S.I. AERE (Atomic Energy Research Establishment), Bangladesh
Fonseca de Santo, A.C. CNEN (Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear), Brasil
Francois, J.L. IIE (Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas), Mexico
Goluoglu, S. HU (Hacettepe University), Turkey
Guarnizo Olivera, J. IPEN (Instituto Peruano de Energia Nuclear), Peru
Guerra Valdez, R. CEADEN (Centro de Estudios Aplicados al Desarrollo Nuclear), Cuba
Ghods M., M. TU (Tehran University), Iran
Holubar, A. NRI (Nuclear Research Institute),Czech Republic
Jung-Do Kim KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), Korea
Khan, A.R. AERE (Atomic Energy Research Establishment), Bangladesh
Lerner, A.M. CNEA (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica), Argentina
Lopez Aldama, D. CEADEN (Centro de Estudios Aplicados al Desarrollo Nuclear), Cuba
Mohanakrishnan, P. IGCAR (Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research), India
Ngo Dang Nhan Vietnam
Patrashakorn , S. OAEP (Office of Atomic Energy for Peace), Thailand
Pazirandeh, A. TU (Tehran University), Iran
Pina dos Santos, C.M. CNEN (Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear), Brasil
Prati, A. IEA (Instituto de Estudos Avancados), Brasil
Raharjo, R. NAEA (National Atomic Energy Agency), Indonesia
Ravnik, M.
IJS (Institute Jozef Stefan), Slovenia
Salahuddin, A. PINST (Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology), Pakistan
Stoker, C. AEC (Atomic Energy Corporation), South Africa
Syaukat, A. NAEA (National Atomic Energy Agency), Indonesia
Trkov, A. IJS (Institute Jozef Stefan), Slovenia
Turgut, M.H. CNAEM, Turkey
Umashankari P. BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre), India
Vacek, J. SKODA (Nuclear Engineering Plant), Czech Republic
Wand, H. ZFK (Zentralinstitut fur Kernforschung), Germany

Stage 2:"Verification of nuclear data processing methods"

Ball, G. AEC (Atomic Energy Corporation), South Africa
Ganesan, S. IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), NDS
Holubar, A. NRI (Nuclear Research Institute), Czech Republic
Jung-Do Kim KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), Korea
Leszczynski, F. CAB-CNEA (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica), Argentina
Rapeanu, S.N. Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, Romania
Ravnik, M. IJS (Institute Jozef Stefan), Slovenia
Stoker, C. AEC (Atomic Energy Corporation), South Africa
Trkov, A.
IJS (Institute Jozef Stefan), Slovenia
Zidi, T. IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), NDS

Consultants' Meeting on Planning for the Final
Stage of WIMS-D Library Update Project,
29-31 July, 1996, Vienna, IAEA, Austria

Erradi, L.H. Univ.Muhammad V., Morocco
Ganesan, S. Purnima Labs, Barc, India
Halsall, M.J. AEA Technology, U.K
Hwang, Won-Guk Kyung Hee University, Korea
Leszczynski, F. CAB-CNEA (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica), Argentina
Mikolas, P. Skoda, Nuclear Machinery Plzen Ltd., Czech Republic
Muir, D. IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), NDS
Ravnik, M. IJS (Institute Jozef Stefan), Slovenia
Trkov, A. IJS (Institute Jozef Stefan), Slovenia
Wienke, H. IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), NDS

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