WIMS Library Update Project |
Processing methods |
NJOY modular system was used for processing the evaluated nuclear data
files. The
following modules were invoked in sequence for WIMS-D library generation:
MODER module is simply a file format conversion utility and requires no additional explanation. RECONR: Cross section reconstruction. The input
parameter of major interest is the resonance reconstruction tolerance
criterion (ERR). A value of 0.1 % was chosen for all the isotopes. All
the other options took the default values. |
Special issues |
cross section of Am-241.
Burnup of Am-241 in the WIMS-D library with branching to Am-242g and Am-242m can not be represented accurately because the WIMS-D library allows a single capture product to be specified. The Am-242m nuclide is considered more important from the reactivity point of view, therefore its branch is treated explicitly. However, Am-242g is important due to the decay into Cm-242 which in turn decays into Pu-238. Am-242g production can only be dealt with by treating it as a fission product of Am-241 with a yield equal to the capture to fission ratio. The fission channel in Am-241 has a threshold, therefore the capture to fission ratio is strongly spectrum dependent. The ratio may reach a value 124 for well thermalized lattices and may be as low as 42 for lattices with a high content of degraded plutonium. For a typical PWR lattice the ratio is about 92. To avoid spectrum dependence of the effective Am-242g production the shape of the fission cross section is forced to be proportional to the absorption cross section such that the capture to fission ratio of 92 is approximately conserved for an average lattice. This crude adjustment is tolerable because Am-241 is not very important from the reactivity point of view. A program, FIDLAM, to fiddle the Am-241 fission cross section was developed on the frame of WLUP. Pseudo fission product to simulate (n,2n) reaction for U-238, U-233 and Pa-231. To model (n, 2n) production from U-238, U-233 and Pa-231 the approach used in the WIMKAL-88 library was applied. It basically consists in introducing a pseudo fission product with an effective fission yield that represent the (n,2n) to fission reaction rate ratio of the precursor nuclide and with null absorption cross section data. It decays with a constant of unity. That means that in normal burnup calculations this fission product goes immediately to the equilibrium concentration and appears as an effective (n, 2n) source in the corresponding burnup equation. |
Processing methods for dosimetry materials | |
dosimetry materials of the WIMS-D library are special materials from the
formatting point of view. They are non-burnable, without resonance table
and scattering data. The WIMSD formatted files for these materials contain
the corresponding dosimetry reaction instead of absorption and transport
cross sections.
These simplifying features allow the use of the PREPRO-2000 code system for the nuclear data processing. Besides, the code WIMSIE was developed in the frame of the project to perform the WIMS-D formatting and eventually to produce the special dosimetry files as the positive and negative 1/v materials, the resonant part of the 1/v absorber, the constant absorber and the inverse lethargy interval cross section. The sequence MERGER-LINEAR-SIGMA1-GROUPIE-DICTION-WIMSIE was used for the evaluated nuclear data processing.MERGER was called to extract the needed dosimetry reaction and the general information section (MF=1/MT=451) from the source evaluated nuclear data files. LINEAR was used because some point-wise dosimetry files from the JENDL/D-99 library were not linearly interpolable over the resonance range. The reconstruction tolerance was set up to 0.1% in all cases. It is worthy to note that the use of RECENT was skipped because the resonance contribution (MF=2) was always included on the point-wise cross section data (MF=3) of the source evaluated file. SIGMA1 Doppler broadened the cross section at 300 K and GROUPIE performed the multi-group data processing into 69 and 172 energy group structures. The averaging spectrum applied for most the materials in the frame of the project was converted to linearly interpolable data and used for generating infinite diluted multi-group cross sections. Finally, the index on the general information section was updated by DICTION and the WIMS-D formatting was performed by WIMSIE. |