Nuclear Theory for Applications-1982 Proceedings of the course on Advances in Nuclear Theory and Nuclear Dat afor Reactor Applications held at Trieste, 25 January - 19 February 1982 |
IAEA | Apr 1984 | |
Nuclear Theory for Applications - 1980 Proceedings of the interregional Advanced Training Course on Applications of Nuclear Theory to Nuclear Data for Calculations for Reactor Design held at Trieste, 28 January - 22 February 1980 |
IAEA | Nov 1981 | |
Nuclear Theory for Applications Proceedings of the course held at Trieste, 17 January - 10 February 1978 |
IAEA | Mar 1980 | |
IAEA-207 |
Differential and Integral Nuclear Data Requirements for Shielding Calculations | IAEA | Feb 1978 | |
IAEA-213-VOL.2 |
Fission Product Nuclear (FPND) - 1977 Vol.II | IAEA | Aug 1978 | |
IAEA-213-VOL.1 |
Fission Product Nuclear (FPND) - 1977 Vol.I | IAEA | Aug 1978 | |
IAEA-208-VOL.2 |
Neutron Cross Sections for Reactor Dosimetry Vol.II Contributed Papers | IAEA | 1978 | |
IAEA-208-VOL.1 |
Neutron Cross Sections for Reactor Dosimetry Vol.I Review Papers | IAEA | 1978 | |
IAEA-199 |
Atomic and Molecular Data for Fusion | IAEA | Jun 1977 | |
IAEA-204 |
Neutron Scattering in Applied Research | IAEA | Dec 1977 | |
IAEA-186-VOL.3 |
Transactinium Isotope Nuclear Data (TND) Vol.III | IAEA | 1976 | |
IAEA-186-VOL.2 |
Transactinium Isotope Nuclear Data (TND) Vol.II | IAEA | 1976 | |
IAEA-186-VOL.1 |
Transactinium Isotope Nuclear Data (TND) Vol.I | IAEA | 1976 | |
IAEA-190-VOL.2 |
Nuclear Theory in Neutron Nuclear Data Evaluation Vol.II | IAEA | 1976 | |
IAEA-190-VOL.1 |
Nuclear Theory in Neutron Nuclear Data Evaluation Vol.I | IAEA | 1976 | |
IAEA-169-VOL.3 |
Fission Product Nuclear Data (FPND) Vol.III, Part 2: Selected Contributions to Review Papers | IAEA | 1974 | |
IAEA-169-VOL.2 |
Fission Product Nuclear Data (FPND) Vol.II, Part 1: Review Papers and Observations, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Panel | IAEA | 1974 | |
IAEA-169-VOL.1 |
Fission Product Nuclear Data (FPND) Vol.I, Part 1: Review Papers and Observations, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Panel | IAEA | 1974 | |
IAEA-153 |
The Evaluation of Neutron Nuclear Data Proceedings of a Panel on Neutron Nuclear Data Evaluation held in Vienna 30 August - 3 September 1971: Papers Presented | IAEA | 1973 | |
IAEA-138 |
Fast Reactor Spectrum Measurement and Their Interpretation A Summary of the Meeting of Specialists held at the Argonne National Laboratory, 10-13 November 1970 | IAEA | 1971 | |
IAEA-107 INDC(NDS)-007 |
Nuclear Standards for Neutron Measurements Report of a Panel Sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency Brussels 8-12 May 1967 Contents only, full document under INDC(NDS)-0007 |
IAEA | 1968 |