INDC Reports

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    Cross Sections and Thick Target Yields of Alpha-Induced Reactions
    An Extraction from Final Report of Contract 2499/R1/RB (1 December 1980 to 1 December 1981)
    O. Bonesso, O.A. Capurro, M.J. Ozafrán, M.J. Tavelli, M. de la Vega Vedoya, C. Wasilevsky, S.J. Nassiff Feb 2017
    Integral Activation Cross Section Ratios of 58Ni(n,x)57Co, 60Ni(n,p)60Co, 63Cu(n,a)60Co, 197Au(n,3n)195Au Relative to 27al(n,a)24Na in the Neutron Spectrum Produced by 23.2 MeV Deutrons Incident on a Thick Be Metal Target M.D. Bovision de Ricabarra and D. Waisman and G.H. Ricabarra Jul 1994
    Integral Activation Cross Section Ratios of Ti(n,x)46Sc, Ti(n,x)47Sc, 48Ti(n,p)48Sc, 50Ti(n,a)47Ca Relative to 27Al(n,a)24Na in the Neutron Spectrum Produced by 23.2 MeV Deutrons Incident on a Thick Be Metal Target M.D. Bovision de Ricabarra and D. Waisman and G.H. Ricabarra May 1993
    Nuclear Data in Argentina (1992 - 1993) G.H. Ricabarra Mar 1993
    Integral Fission Cross Section Ratios of Th232, U236 and U238 Relative to U235 in the Neutron Spectrum Produced by 23.2 MeV Deutrons Incident on a Thick Be Metal Target M.D. Bovision de Ricabarra and L. Cohen de Porto and D. Waisman and G.H. Ricabarra Aug 1992
    CNEA NT-5/82
    Progress Report 1980-1981, Department of Physics Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica 1982
    Argentine Progress Report on Nuclear Data G.H. Ricabarra Undated
    Measurement and Evaluation of the Activation Resonance Integral of 146Nd, 148Nd and 150Nd M.D. Ricabarra and R. Turjanski and G.H. Ricabarra Undated
    Anomalous 96Zr Resonance Integral, to Thermal Activation Cross-section Ratio and the Neutron Activation Resonance Integral of 94Zr and 96Zr M.D. Ricabarra and R. Turjanski and G.H. Ricabarra Mar 1970
    Neutron Activation Resonance Integrals of 64Zn, 68Zn, 85Rb, 100Mo, 102Ru, 113In, 123Sb and 180Hf M.D. Ricabarra and R. Turjanski and G.H. Ricabarra Oct 1968
    Neutron Activation Resonance Integrals of 74Se, 78Se, 80Se, 81Br, 127I, 130Te, 138Ba, 140Ce and 142Ce M.D. Ricabarra and R. Turjanski and G.H. Ricabarra and C.B. Bigham May 1968
    Progress Report on Neutron Nuclear Data in Argentina 1972 G.H. Ricabarra Jun 1972
    Neutron Activation Resonance Integral of 74Ge and 76Ge and Evaluation of 74Ge keV Neutron Radiative Capture Cross Section and Resonance Integral M.D. Ricabarra and Re Turjanski and O.H. Ricabarra Jun 1972
    Progress Report Argentine Atomic Energy Commission
    See document for author list
    Various Mar 1971