CIELO Project (WPEC-SG40)
Overall Objective
The overall objective of the
CIELO Pilot Project (OECD/NEA WPEC SG-40)
is to test the scheme of broad international collaboration to improve evaluated
nuclear data files of the major nuclides: H-1, O-16, Fe-56, U-235, U-238 and Pu-239.
The collaboration scheme is similar to that employed in the IAEA
CRP on Evaluated Nuclear Data for the Th-U Fuel Cycle,
which resulted in a very successful new evaluation of Th-232 and improvements
to the evaluations for other relevant nuclides. Production of improved and validated
evaluated nuclear data files is the main goal of the project.
IAEA CIELO transport files for U-235 and U-238, 01 Dec 2017
New files include latest covariance matrices with scaled PFNS uncertainties; the new P(nu) data for fission in MF6
and contain full correlations in the Legendre terms up to P2.
These files are proposed for the the ENDF/B-VIII.0.beta6 evaluation.
U-235 file (b6): U235 ENDF version "u235ib46o28t6DNcnu5ef0STzc" ( ACE file)
U-238 file (b6): U238 ENDF version "u238ib58lrlFsfaST4q" ( ACE file)
IAEA CIELO transport files for U-235 and U-238, 27 Sep 2017
Minor changes to the PFGS data, the PFNS and mu-bar covariances were made. The filenames of U-235 were not changed.
The file on the link from 20 September was overwritten. Please, reload. The changes should not affect the U-235 ACE files.
U-235 file: u235ib46o28t6DNcnu5ef0STz3 ENDF file (ACE file )
are updates to the U-235 evaluation. It includes complete covariance matrices of the
cross sections,
PFNS(thermal) and
This file is the updated proposal for the the ENDF/B-VIII.0.beta5 evaluation.
U-238 file: u238ib58lrlFsfaST4m ENDF file (ACE file )
are updates to the U-238 evaluation. It includes complete covariance matrices of the
cross sections,
PFNS(fast) and
This file is the updated proposal for the the ENDF/B-VIII.0.beta5 evaluation.
IAEA CIELO iron files (in collaboration with BNL-NNDC)
Fe-56 (26FEB) Version: fe56ib20w
compressed ENDF file and
compressed ACE file
Fe-minor isotopes (28FEB) Version: e80b4
compressed ENDF files and
compressed ACE files
Transport files including Neutron Standard reactions
B-10 (01MAR)
Version: 10B_ENDF-VIII_b4 (as received from G. Hale on 1 March), consistent with STD2017
Au-197 (01MAR)
Version: n-079_Au_197_STD17_ENDF (as received from A. Trkov on 1 March), consistent with STD2017
Li-6 (07FEB)
Version: 6Li_ENDF-VIII_b4 (as received from G. Hale on 8 February), consistent with STD2017
H-1 (27JAN)
Version: h1hale17 (as received from G. Hale on 26 January), consistent with STD2017 (comments need update)
Update to LANL Pu-239 (17-22) February 2017
Pu-239 was evaluated by Los Alamos National Laboratory, and is provided for convenience of validation.
The file was made consistent with Standards_2017 above the resonance region.
PFNS were missing for Einc = 17.5, 20 and 30 MeV in the
file submitted on February 17.
Version: pu239e80b4_5_corDN (as submitted by D. Neudecker on 22 February) compressed ENDF file
Update to IAEA-CIELO as of 15 February 2017
The Standards were modified slightly (final release Standards 2017, February) and they affected benchmark performance.
The U-238(n,f) cross section below the Standards region was defined on a finer mesh,
so it was decided to adopt it (previously the ENDF/B-VI.8 was taken). The cross sections
were made consistent with the new Standards in the "Standards" region, as well as in the
region of "recommended" cross sections (pointwise or group-wise). This meant that
U-235 and U-238 evaluations needed additional tuning. Small changes to nu-bar were made.
The new PFNS of U-235 by D. Neudecker are included, as well as the fission gamma data
from Stetcu (LANL).
Files available for downloading:
Version: u235_CIELO20170215 compressed ENDF file (internal IAEA designation u235ib36o28t6DNcnu5ef0STs), SUPERSEDED
Version: u238_CIELO20170215 compressed ENDF file (internal IAEA designation u238ib54lrlFsfaST4d)
Update to IAEA-CIELO as of 27 January 2017
Since the November release of the updated IAEA-CIELO files the Standards_2016 were
finalised. These Standards were incorporated into the updated evaluations for the
major uranium isotopes. A few additional small changes for U-235(n,f) and U-238(n,f)
outside the standard region were deemed necessary.
- U-235: (IAEA u235ib36o28p6DNcnu5ef0STi), SUPERSEDED
nu-bar below 75 eV increased by 0.05% to compensate the loss of reactivity due to the new LANL hydrogen (STD 2016).
U-235 resonance parameters were changed (ORNL RP file 28p) to decrease the slope of HST benchmarks vs ATLF.
- Pu-240 (IAEA pu240e80b31c): Changed to improve MCF benchmarks and measured reaction rates (PROFIL).
- Fission cross section updated: Replaced by Tovesson 2009 data from 5.7keV to 40 keV (URR), Weston 40keV - 190keV.
- Capture cross section taken from ENDF/B-VII.0 (=ENDF-B/VI.8), with an additional 2% reduction above 42 keV to improve Pu240ng measured reaction rates (PROFIL).
- Elastic cross section taken from ENDF/B-VII.0 (=ENDF-B/VI.8).
- Pu-239 (IAEA pu239e80b420170112_STD3) : Changed to include GMA fitted fission in the URR.
nubar restored to ENDF/B-VII.1 above 50 keV and slightly adjusted in the range 0.3-1 MeV by 0.1% to optimize fast criticality benchmarks, SUPERSEDED.
- U-233: (IAEA designation u233j40e_updPFNS_f)
- Taken from JENDL-4.0 with resonance widths of one bound level changed to match the Standards_2016.
- Small changes to nu-bar to improve performance in fast criticality benchmarks.
- Talou-Rising PFNS is used, except for incident thermal neutrons, where the B/VII.1 PFNS thermal spectrum was retained.
Files are available for downloading:
- Pu-240
Version: pu240e80b31c compressed ENDF file (comments need update)
- Pu-240
Corresponding compressed ACE file
- Pu-239
Version: pu239e80b420170112_STD3 compressed ENDF file, SUPERSEDED
- U-238
Version: u238_CIELO201612 compressed ENDF file (internal IAEA designation u238ib54lrlFsfaST2c) SUPERSEDED
- U-235
Version: u235_CIELO201701 compressed ENDF file (internal IAEA designation u235ib36o28p6DNcnu5ef0STi) SUPERSEDED
- U-233
Version: u233_CIELO201612 compressed ENDF file (internal IAEA designation u233j40e_updPFNS_f) (comments need update)
- U-233
Corresponding compressed ACE file
- Cu-63
Version: cu63e80b2 compressed ENDF file
- Cu-63
Corresponding compressed ACE file
- Cu-65
Version: cu65e80b2 compressed ENDF file
- Cu-65
Corresponding compressed ACE file
- Fe-56
Version: fe56ib19v compressed ENDF file
- Fe-56
Corresponding compressed ACE file
- Fe-54
Version: fe54nndc376 compressed ENDF file
- Fe-54
Corresponding compressed ACE file
- H-1
Version: h1hale17 (as received from G. Hale on 26 January) compressed ENDF file (comments need update)
- H-1
Corresponding compressed ACE file
- Au-197
based on ENDF/B-VII.1 cross sections in the fast energy range and resonance parameters evaluated at IRMM.
The archive of data including processed ACE libraries and selected analysis reports are available from the tabs below.
Note: The U-233, Cu-63,65, Au-197 and Fe-54,57,58 are not CIELO evaluations, but they
affect benchmarking and have been included in the list.
Available Materials
Pu-239 U-238 U-235 Fe-56 O-16 H-1 Other Validation
Data files available for downloading:
# | Version | Description | Format | Link | Documents | 1 | C | A.C.(Skip) Kahler | ENDF | txt | [1] | 2 | 239Pu_ENDF_LANL_23c | ENDF/B-VIII starter file provided by A.C.(Skip) Kahler | ENDF | zip | | 3 | | | ACE | zip | | 4 | 239Pu_ENDF_LANL_23c_nu8 | ENDF/B-VIII starter file provided by A.C.(Skip) Kahler with nu_bar (0.1eV--1MeV) from ENDF/B-VII.1 | ENDF | zip | | 5 | | | ACE | zip | | 6 | pu239lanlmbc2 | ENDF/B-VIII beta2 file (mbc2) provided by A.C.(Skip) Kahler | ENDF | zip | 02-Aug-2016 | 7 | | | ACE | zip | 02-Aug-2016 | 8 | pu239lanlmbc2v | ENDF/B-VIII beta2 file (mbc2) provided by A.C.(Skip) Kahler (LSSF=1) | ENDF | zip | 18-Aug-2016 | 9 | | | ACE | zip | 18-Aug-2016 | 10 | pu239e80b4_20170112 | pre-beta4 file provided by P.Talou (original name n-094_Pu_239-011217) | ENDF | zip | 18-Jan-2017 | 11 | | | ACE | zip | 18-Jan-2017 | 12 | pu239e80b4_20170112_STD3 | pre-beta4 file provided by P.Talou (original name n-094_Pu_239-011217) updated with the latest standards, nu-bar above 50 keV restored to ENDF/B-VII.1 and a small increase of nu-bar in the range 0.3-1.0 MeV | ENDF | zip | 09-Feb-2017 | 13 | | | ACE | zip | 09-Feb-2017 | 14 | pu239e80b4_20170222 | pre-beta4 file provided by D. Neudecker updated with the latest standards, tweaked nubar and Chi-nu PFNS above 5 MeV | ENDF | zip | 22-Feb-2017 |
Relevant documents
# | Date | Author | Title | Link | 1 | 03/2015 | A.K. Kahler | Content of MF1/MT451 | (Unpublished) |
CIELO U-238 Project Coordinators:
R.Capote, A. Trkov and O. Iwamoto
Data files available for downloading:
# | Version | Description | Format | Link | Documents | 1 | ib25 | First trial (IAEA) | ENDF | zip | [1] | 2 | | | ACE | zip | | 3 | ib33 | CIELO Starter File (IAEA) | ENDF | zip | [2,3,4,5,6] | 4 | | | ACE | zip | | 5 | ib36 | Improved inelastic, (n,2n) (IAEA) | ENDF | zip | [7] | 6 | | | ACE | zip | | 7 | ib42 | Refined OMP, Improved ang.distr. (IAEA) | ENDF | zip | | 8 | | | ACE | zip | | 9 | ib44 | Improved HE (n,3n), (n,4n), (n,f) (IAEA) | ENDF | zip | | 10 | | | ACE | zip | | 11 | ib44rjFs | Fast: IAEA ib44, URR: IRMM, RRR: e71 with bound-levels by Kopecky, PFNS by Talou | ENDF | zip | | 12 | | | ACE | zip | | 13 | ib46rjFs | Fast: IAEA ib46, URR: IRMM, RRR: e71 with bound-levels by Kopecky, PFNS by Talou (corrected one tab in the comments, 24-Apr-2016) | ENDF | zip | | 14 | | | ACE | zip | (include heating, 20-Apr-2016) | 15 | ib46rlFs | Fast: IAEA ib46, RRR+URR: IRMM, PFNS by Talou | ENDF | zip | 18-Aug-2016 | 16 | | | ACE | zip | 18-Aug-2016 | 17 | u238beta2STD | IAEA ib51 + Standards_2016 (internal label u238ib51brlFsST1) | ENDF | zip | 05-Nov-2016 | 18 | | | ACE | zip | 05-Nov-2016 | 19 | u238_CIELO201612 | IAEA ib51 + Standards_2016 (internal label u238ib51brlFsST1 = u238beta2STD) | ENDF | zip | 18-Jan-2017 | 20 | | | ACE | zip | 18-Jan-2017 | 21 | u238_CIELO20170215 | IAEA ib54 + Standards_2017 in the whole energy range (internal label u238ib54lrlFsfaST4d) | ENDF | zip | 15-Feb-2017 | 22 | u238_CIELO20170920 | IAEA ib58 + Standards_2017 + COVARIANCES (internal label u238ib58lrlFsfaST4l) | ENDF | zip | 20-Sep-2017 | 23 | | | ACE | zip | 20-Sep-2017 |
Relevant documents
The evaluation of nuclear reaction data for U-235 is strongly linked to the
IAEA CRP on Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra
and the
IAEA DDP on Neutron Cross Section Standards.
Much of the work at the IAEA on U-235 was performed within these two projects.
Data files available for downloading:
# | Version | Description | Format | Link | Documents | 1 | u235g6 | GANDR fit of PFNS at thermal and fast(1.e-5 eV, 500-2000 eV) (IAEA) | ENDF | zip | [1,2] | 2 | | | ACE | zip | | 3 | | Pointwise thermal spectrum in Dosimetry format | ENDF | txt | | 4 | | Thermal spectrum in 640-group Dosimetry format | ENDF | txt | | 5 | | Thermal spectrum in text format (E, spectrum, unc.) | text | txt | | 6 | u235o4brc2 | Resonance evaluation ORNL4 combined with BRC2 evaluation for fast neutrons (Rev.1, moved last zero point im MT5 to 2.25 keV, 10 April 2015) | ENDF | zip | [4] | 7 | | Rev.1 (fixed Doppler broadening between 2 and 2.25 keV) | ACE | zip | [4,5] | 8 | u235g6nj4 | u235g6 with inelastic data from JENDL-4 evaluation, 16 April 2015) | ENDF | zip | | 9 | | | ACE | zip | | 10 | u235ib02o4cWg6anu | u235 evaluation - see document [7], August 2015) | ENDF | zip | | 11 | | | ACE | zip | | 12 | u235g6a | GMA PFNS at thermal, GANDR fast(1.e-5 eV, 500-2000 eV) (IAEA) | ENDF | zip | | 13 | | | ACE | zip | | 14 | u235g6b | GMA PFNS at thermal, ENDF/B-VII.1 above (IAEA) | ENDF | zip | | 15 | | | ACE | zip | | 16 | u235g6c | GMA PFNS at thermal, Talou (PFNS CRP) above (IAEA) | ENDF | zip | | 17 | | | ACE | zip | | 18 | u235ib02i2g6cnu3f2 | IRSN.v2 resonance, IAEA beta2 fast, GMA PFNS thermal, Talou et al above (IAEA PFNS CRP), tweaked nu-bar | ENDF | withdrawn | [8] | 19 | u235ib02i2ag6cnu3f2 | Same as u235ib02i2g6cnu3f2 with resonance parameters corrected for the loss of digits | ENDF | zip | [8] | 20 | | | ACE | zip | | 21 | 235U_ENDF_LANL_19c | ENDF/B-VIII starter file provided by A.C.(Skip) Kahler | ENDF | zip | [8] | 22 | | | ACE | zip | | 23 | u235ib06ao17g6cnu5cf2 | Fast: IAEA ib6a, RRR: o17c - ORNL+IAEA, PFNS: GMA at thermal, Talou et al above | ENDF | zip | | 24 | | (corrected for missing data above 20 MeV on 20-Apr-2016) | ACE | zip | (include heating, 20-Apr-2016) | 25 | u235ib16o23g6cnu5ef1 | Fast: IAEA ib16, RRR: o23 - ORNL+IAEA, PFNS: GMA at thermal, Talou et al above | ENDF | zip | 02-Aug-2016 | 26 | | | ACE | zip | 02-Aug-2016 | 27 | u235ib18o23g6cnu5ef1 | Fast: IAEA ib18, RRR: o23 - ORNL+IAEA, PFNS: GMA at thermal, Talou et al above, 5% increase in capture in the range 70-100 keV for a better fit of Jandel data | ENDF | zip | 08-Aug-2016 | 28 | | | ACE | zip | 08-Aug-2016 | 29 | u235beta2STD | IAEA ib25 + Standards_2016 (internal label u235ib25o23g6DNcnu5ef4) | ENDF | zip | 05-Nov-2016 | 30 | | | ACE | zip | 05-Nov-2016 | 31 | u235_CIELO201612 | IAEA ib36 + Standards_2016 (internal label u235ib36o28g6DNcnu5ef0STh) | ENDF | zip | 23-Dec-2016 | 32 | | | ACE | zip | 23-Dec-2016 | 33 | u235_CIELO201701 | IAEA ib36 + Standards_2016 + o28p RRP (internal label u235ib36o28p6DNcnu5ef0STh) | ENDF | zip | 18-Jan-2017 | 34 | | | ACE | zip | 18-Jan-2016 | 35 | u235_CIELO20170127 | IAEA ib36 + Standards_2016 + o28p RRP (internal label u235ib36o28p6DNcnu5ef0STi) | ENDF | zip | 27-Jan-2017 | 36 | | | ACE | zip | 27-Jan-2016 | 37 | u235_CIELO20170210 | IAEA ib36 + Standards_2016 + o28t RRP + mod. nubar below 27 eV (internal label u235ib36o28t6DNcnu5ef0STm) | ENDF | zip | 10-Feb-2017 | 38 | u235_CIELO20170217 | IAEA ib36 + Standards_2016 + o28t RRP + mod. nubar at 2 eV and from 5-27 eV (internal label u235ib36o28t6DNcnu5ef0STt) | ENDF | zip | 17-Feb-2017 | 39 | u235_CIELO20170920 | IAEA ib46 + Standards 2017 + o28t RRP + COVARIANCES (internal label u235ib46o28t6DNcnu5ef0STz3) | ENDF | zip | 20-Sep-2017 | 40 | | | ACE | zip | 20-Sep-2017 |
Relevant documents
# | Date | Author | Title | Link | 1 | 12/2014 | A.Trkov | On the Selection of the Differential 235U PFNS Data (Unpublished) | pdf | 2 | 12/2014 | A.Trkov | The Impact of the "235g6" Family of Evaluated Data Files (Unpublished) | pdf | 3 | 03/2015 | A.Trkov | Average cross sections of the IRDFF-v1.05 Library in "235g6" fission spectrum | pdf | 4 | 04/2015 | A.Trkov | Preliminary analysis of the u235o4brc2 evaluation (Rev.1) | pdf | 5 | 04/2015 | A.Trkov | Numerical values of benchmark results | txt | 6 | 05/2015 | A.Trkov, R. Capote | On the Validation of New Evaluations for U-235 | pdf | 7 | 08/2015 | A.Trkov, R. Capote | Description of the "u235ib02o4cWg6anu" evaluation | txt | 8 | 08/2015 | A.Trkov | Brief description of the CIELO_IAEA u235ib02i2g6cnu3f2 evaluation for 235U | pdf | 9 | 04/2016 | R.Capote | Update on standard cross sections and thermal neutron constants | (miniCSEWG-2016) | 10 | 04/2016 | R.Capote | New n + 235U evaluation (fast) | (miniCSEWG-2016) |
CIELO Fe Project Coordinators:
M.W. Herman and A. Trkov
The primary repository for the iron evaluations is the
NNDC Gforge repository.
The data files are also available from the links below for convenience.
Additional information can be found on the
NEA Data Bank CIELO web site.
Due to compensating effects the Fe-56 evaluation cannot be separated from the evaluations
for the minor isotopes, therefore trial evaluations for these isotopes were also performed.
There are also strong compensating effects with alloying elements in stainless steel, like Cr and Mn.
Due to time and manpower constraints a re-evaluation of the corresponding isotopes was not included.
Data files available for downloading:
# | Version | Description | Format | Link | Documents | 1 | fe56v00 | Fe-56 ACE file with ornl4 cross sections and ENDF/B-VII.1 angular distributions | ACE | zip | [1] | 2 | fe56v01 | Fe-56 ACE file with ornl4 cross sections and detailed angular distributions | ACE | zip | [1] | 3 | fe56v02 | Fe-56 ENDF file with resolution-broadened angular distributions | ENDF | zip | [1] | 4 | | | ACE | zip | [1] | 5 | fe56ib04 | Fe-56 BNL-IAEA/ORNL_ver04 evaluation | ENDF | zip | | 6 | | | ACE | zip | | 7 | fe56ib04s | Same as fe56ib04 but including angular distributions from resonance parameters wirh resolution broadening applied to thin the energy grid | ENDF | zip | | 8 | | | ACE | zip | | 9 | fe56ib15k | Empire "ib15", complex file assembly using JEFF-3.2, JENDL-4.0 and EXFOR (Gforge version 219) | ENDF | zip | | 10 | | | ACE | zip | | 11 | fe54cielo | BNL evaluation, new Empire calculation and resonance parameters from the Atlas (Gforge version 222) | ENDF | zip | | 12 | | | ACE | zip | | 13 | fe57cielo | BNL evaluation, new Empire calculation and resonance parameters from the Atlas (Gforge version 234) | ENDF | zip | | 14 | | | ACE | zip | | 15 | fe58cielo | BNL evaluation, new Empire calculation and resonance parameters from JEFF-3.2 (Gforge version 224) | ENDF | zip | | 16 | | | ACE | zip | | 17 | fe56ib15s | Same as fe56ib15k, but tuned P2 and P4 Legendre coefficients of elastic scattering to improve performance in iron-reflected benchmarks | ENDF | zip | | 18 | | | ACE | zip | | 19 | fe56ib15t | Same as fe56ib15k, but resonance parameters from IRSN (ref. L. Leal), without the tuning of Legendre coefficients | ENDF | zip | | 20 | | | ACE | zip | | 21 | fe56ib15u | Same as fe56ib15t, but reduced capture above 850 keV | ENDF | zip | | 22 | | | ACE | zip | | 23 | fe56ib17s | Empire ib17 fast + IRSN.v2_new resonance with background and adjusted P2, P4 elastic ang. distr. (=e80b2) | ENDF | zip | | 24 | | | ACE | zip | | 25 | fe56ib17c | Empire ib17 fast + IRSN.v2_new resonance, detailed angular distributions in ACE (no corrections). | ENDF | zip | [3] | 26 | | | ACE | zip | | 27 | fe56ib17d | =fe56ib17c but with resolution-broadened elastic angular distributions | ENDF | zip | [3] | 28 | | | ACE | zip | | 29 | fe56ib17f | =fe56ib17d with adjusted P2, P4 elastic ang. distr. as in e80b2 | ENDF | zip | [3] | 30 | | | ACE | zip | | 31 | fe56ib17h | =fe56ib17f with angular distributions of the first discrete inelastic reconstructed from resonance parameters and resolution-broadened. | ENDF | zip | [3] | 32 | | | ACE | zip | | 33 | fe56ib17i | =fe56ib17f with P1 Legendre coefficient of elastic scattering shifted up by 0.08 in the range 500-850 keV. | ENDF | zip | [3] | 34 | | | ACE | zip | | 35 | fe56ib17j | =fe56ib17i, wit P1 Legendre coefficient of elastic scattering shifted by -0.1, starting at 850 keV and decreasing linearly to zero at 2.5 MeV. | ENDF | zip | [3] | 36 | | | ACE | zip | | 37 | fe56e80b2k | =beta2 with IRSN resonance parameters but JENDL-4.0 angular distributions | ENDF | zip | | 38 | | | ACE | zip | | 39 | fe56e80b3 | =beta3 (featuring JENDL-4.0 resonance parameters, resolution-broadened angular distributions) | ENDF | zip | | 40 | | | ACE | zip | | 41 | fe56ib19v | =Extensively revised x.s. and angular distributions based on measured data | ENDF | zip | | 42 | | | ACE | zip | | 43 | fe54nndc376 | BNL-IAEA evaluation | ENDF | zip | | 44 | | | ACE | zip | | 45 | Fe-54,56,57,58 | BNL-IAEA evaluation | ENDF | zip | 17-AUG-2017 |
Relevant documents
# | Date | Author | Title | Link | 1 | 12/2014 | A.Trkov | On the Impact of Fe Scattering on Integral Benchmarks | (Unpublished) | 2 | 05/2015 | A.Trkov | On the Impact of Fe Scattering on Integral Benchmarks (Rev.1) | (Unpublished) | 3 | 09/2016 | A.Trkov | Chronology of moving from ib15s to e80b2 in Fe-56 (Rev.2) | (Unpublished) |
Additional information is available in the
NEA Data Bank CIELO web site.
Data files available for downloading:
# | Version | Description | Format | Link | Documents | 1 | O16_lealxs | ENDF/B-VII.1 file with Leal cross sections | ENDF | ENDF | [1] | 2 | | | ACE | zip | | 3 | O16_lealad | ENDF/B-VII.1 file with Leal cross sections and angular distributions | ENDF | ENDF | [1] | 4 | | | ACE | zip | | 5 | O16_halexs | ENDF/B-VII.1 file with Hale cross sections | ENDF | ENDF | [1] | 6 | | | ACE | zip | | 7 | O16_halead | ENDF/B-VII.1 file with Hale cross sections and angular distributions | ENDF | ENDF | [1] | 8 | | | ACE | zip | | 9 | O16_haleadx | ENDF/B-VII.1 file with Hale cross sections and angular distributions, and reduced thermal scattering cross sections | ENDF | ENDF | [1] | 10 | | | ACE | zip | | 11 | O16e80b1 | ENDF/B-VIII beta1 file | ENDF | zip | [1] | 12 | | | ACE | zip | |
Relevant documents
# | Date | Author | Title | Link | 1 | 12/2014 | A.Trkov | On the Impact of 16O Scattering on Integral Benchmarks | (Unpublished) |
Thermal Scattering Law Data
Thermal scattering law data (TSL) may have significant impact on thermal reactor benchmarks.
A new WPEC Subgroup-42 is being established to investigate the problem that has been
neglected for several years. Two research groups are known to work on the evaluation
of thermal scattering law data for hydrogen bound in water:
Neutrons for Science Laboratory at the Institut Laue-Langevin
The Neutrons for Science Laboratory at the Institut Laue-Langevin is involved in the
nausicaa project. The reference to the published article and a link to the data is
available from the web page. The status of the data is "proof-of-principle" and are not
ready for extensive benchmarking.
Neutron Physics Department at the Centro Atomico Bariloche
The research group from the Neutron Physics Department at the Centro Atomico Bariloche
produced a TSL library for hydrogen bound in water,
aimed at improving the reliability of the evaluation in the cold neutron range,
and performed a considerable amount of benchmarking in collaboration with external partners.
Details will be presented at the forthcoming WPEC Meeting. Some
preliminary results
of calculations performed at the IAEA have shown that the new data will not introduce
a significant bias into the benchmarking. For more details please contact the author
Ignacio Marquez .
The thermal scattering law libraries (including hydrogen bound in water) are available from
the CAB web site (site address updated in Feb.2016)
Data files available for downloading:
# | Version | Description | Format | Link | Documents | 1 | tsl-HinH2O-293 | | ENDF (Special NJOY needed) | zip | | 2 | | | ACE (293K) | zip | | 3 | h1tslcab2 | | ENDF | zip | | 4 | | | ACE | zip | | 5 | h1hale17 | | ENDF | zip | LANL evaluation by G. Hale, January 2017 | 6 | | | ACE | zip | | 7 | TSL ACE file for light water | | ENDF | zip | CAB evaluation, provided by I. Marquez, 20-MAR-2017 | 8 | TSL ACE file for heavy water | | ENDF | zip | CAB evaluation, provided by I. Marquez, 20-MAR-2017 |
Other evaluations
In this folder some evaluations are collected that are not strictly CIELO,
but have strong impact on the overall benchmarking of the libraries
Data files available for downloading:
# | Version | Description | Format | Link | Documents | 1 | Au-197 | ENDF/B-VII.1 cross sections in the fast energy range and resonance parameters evaluated at IRMM | ENDF | zip | | 2 | | | ACE (293K) | zip | | 3 | U-233 | JENDL-4.0 with adjusted nu-bar and resonance parameters to agree with Standards_2016 | ENDF | zip | | 4 | | | ACE (293K) | zip | | 5 | U-233 | JENDL-4.0 with adjusted nu-bar and resonance parameters to agree with Standards_2016, new PFNS above thermal | ENDF | zip | | 6 | | | ACE (293K) | zip | | 7 | Pu-240 | LANL/ORNL evaluation with tuning of capture and fission at the IAEA | ENDF | zip | | 8 | | | ACE (293K) | zip | |
Validation of Nuclear Data Evaluations and Compensating Effects
Relevant documents
# | Date | Author | Title | Link | 1 | 08/2015 | A.Trkov | On the use of sensitivities in search of compensating effects in data evaluation | pdf | 2 | | | Detailed Sensitivities | xlsx | 3 | 04/2016 | R.Capote | Validation of CIELO Evaluations (miniCSEWG-2016) | pdf | 4 | 07/2016 | A.Trkov et al. | On the Validation of New Evaluations for the CIELO Project | pdf |