New data added to the database
New data (2023-2024):
Previous data added in this update:
Data withdrawn from the database
After careful checking and consultant with experts, the following data sets are no longer part of this database:
New data added to the database
2023 new data are:
Previous data added in this update:
Introducing the modernized Stopping Power Database, replacing the older website created by Helmut Paul.
2022 new data are:
New data and figures. Fission fragments: Mo, Sb, Kr, Zr, Te, Cs, Ce and Ru in Ni, also I, La, Te, Ru, Sb, Mo, Ba, Zr, Cs, Xe and Kr in Mylar by Materna et al 2021. Biological targets: He in bone (femur) by Provenzano et al 2015;
New figures(data already in the database): H in CaF2; He in C3H4 (Allene gas) and in LiF; Pb in Ta and Mg
Updated figures (references corrected, missing data added, in some cases SRIM, MSTAR or DPASS curves included, or composition of compounds): H in V, Ge, La, Ce, Yb, Au, Ti, U, Xe, Pb, graphite oxide, CH4, H2, ZnO, hydroxyapatite, Ta2O5, VO2 and HfO2; He in Lu, Si, B, Bi, Te, Sb, TiN, CH4, graphite oxide and O2 (gas and solid), O in Au, Nb, Nb2O5, SiO2 and ZrO2; Si in LR115; Cr in Au; Kr in Pb and Lu; Ca in Lu; Au in SiO2; Ar in Lu, SiN and C.
New entries: tables for Zr, Mo, Ru, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Te, I, Xe and Ce ions with links to new and existing data and figures.
New data and figures: C in liquid water Baek et al 2020; Li, C and O in Ni Kumar et al 2020; Br in Ag Kantre et al 2021; I in Au Str303266m et al 2021 ; H and He in W Moro et al 2021; H and H2 in Si Mery et al 2021(low impact energy).
Updated figures: Li in Ti; Cu in H2; H in Cu, Diamond, GaSb, LR115, Xe, and Pt; He in Cyclohexane, Methyl alcohol, Ca , Xe and TiO2; Xe in Xe.
New figures(data already in the database): Be in oxides (ZrO2, Nb2O5, SiO2, Ta2O5) and SiC; F in ZrO2; Li in Al2O3; Ar and O in Xe; Y in C; ions in nuclear track materials ( C, Li, O, He in LR115; He in CR-39).
The table Stopping of heavy ions has been splitted up: one table is for 3Li to 18Ar ions, another table for 19K to 92U ions.
New data and figures: Lohmann 2020 (Loh20) for Si in Si.
New figures: H in C3H8, LiNbO3, Nd, Re, Rh and Tb ; Si in Al2O3; P in Mylar ; Ar in CF4; I in Ta ; Pb in Ag ; Th in Ne, Kr and CH4.
Updated figures and data files: H in Al, Ar, Ca, Cr, In, Nb, Mo, V, Hydroxyapatite, Propylene; He in Zn, data by Goebl 2014 (Go14) is included; Li in Ag, C, Cu, He, Mylar, Ta; C in H2O (liquid); N in Polycarbonate; O in SiO2; Ne in C, Au; Si in Ag, C; P in Al, Ge; Cl in Ta2O5; S in C; I and Ar in H2; Au in Si, SiC, Ni; U in Xe.
New links to data files: links to data are being progressively included in the tables. In this update for ions K, Ag, Te, I, Xe, W, Au, Pb. For K to U ions all data is directly linked to the table.
New data and figures: Moro 2020 (Mor20) for H and He in Nb, Pd, Pt, Ta; Selau 2020 (Sel20) for H in Pt; Miranda 2020 (Mir20) for H in Hf; Rahm 2014 (Rah14) for C in liquid H2O; Thwaites 1980 (Tw80) for He in gases: N2, He, Ar, CH4, Air.
New figures: He in Hf ; Co in C ; Br in Ni and Ta2O5 U in Air and CH4 (existing data in the database).
Updated figures and data files: H in Al, Ar, Be, Ge, Si, Fe, Ti, Polycarbonate; He in Si; Li in Ag, Al, Au, Polycarbonate, Polypropilane; C in Al, Au; N in Al; O in Al; Mg in Al; Al in Al, Si; Si in Si; P in Al; Ti in Cu, Ta; Br in Ag, Al, Au, Al2O3, C, Cu, SiC.
New links to data files: links to data are being progressively included in the tables. In this update for ions As, Bi, Br, Co, Cr, Cu, Ge, Kr, Mn, Nb, Ni, U, V, Y.
New data and figures: Tran 2019 (Tra19) for H and He ions in Si, Ni, NiSi; Mammeri 2019 (Mm19) for He ions in Bi; Damache 2015 (Dm15) for He in Al; Msimanga 2014 (Msi14) for Si in SiO2; Weijers 2006 (WD06) for C and O in Ge, and for O in Au; and Trzaska 2002 (Trz02) for H and He ions in Au, C, Ni.
New figures: H ions in Cs, Ho, Ir and Lu (existing data in the database); Fe ions in Ag, Al, Au, Cu, Fe, Si and Havar (data already in this database).
Updated figures: H in LiF, Polyvinyltoluene, Kapton, HfO2, ZnO, Ta2O5, Al and Pd; He in Li; Li in Al; C in Ti; O in Al; Fe in C.
New links to data files for: Fe ions in Co, Mg, Nb, Ni, SiC, Sn, Ta, and V. All the existing data for Fe ions is now linked right to the table. Also Li ions in Ag, Au, C, Cu, H2, He, Kapton, Mylar, Ne, Ni, Polycarbonate, Polypropylene, and Zn.
New data in figures: Kantre 2019 (Kan19) for I in Au, low energy region; Dib 2019 (Dib19) for Al, Cu, F, and Si ions in Ni; and Linnarsson 2014 (Lin14) for H in SiC.
New figures: He in Er, Gd, La, Li, Sb and Te. Data already in the database; Cu in Ni, new data Dib19 together with existing data Bi78 and Gs98 in the database.
Updated figures: He in B, Zr, Ti, KCl, HfO2, H2O (gas); H in Li, KCl, HfO2, VO2, ZnO, Ta2O5, Zr. Update of curves (SRIM2013, ICRU73, Mon17), correction of data of H in oxides.
New links to data files for: He in B, Zr, KCl, HfO2, GaN; H in KCl, C2H2, Er2O3.
New data and figures: Gewali 2018 (Gew18) for Ar in ZnP (metaphosphate glass); Kumar 2018 (Kum18) for He ions in Au, Ta, Tb ; Sortica 2019 (Sor19) for Al, B and N ions in TiN.
New figures: H in Dy, Er, Mn, Sc and Se, He in Graphite. All data, already in the database, except data by Co83 for H in Se that was corrected.
Updated figures: H, He and Li in H2O (gas, condensed, and the comparison as phase effect), curves Qui15 and Gr16 included for H in H2O; Li in Si, data BA09 only for E>50 keV/amu; H in Bi, data by Knudsen 1980 (Kn80) included; He in Cu and Bi, data by Kuldeep 1985 (KJ85) and by Knudsen 1980 (Kn80) included; Li in CO2, Ar in H2, Sc in C, and H in Cr, Sr, Pt, Pd, U and O2, SRIM-2013 updated and minor corrections.
New data and figures: Jedrejcic 2018 (Jed18) for H in gases: He, Ne, N2, and He in gases: H2, He, Ne, N2; Trzaska 2018 (Trz18) for Ar, Ca ions in Ag, Al, Au, C, Ni, Lu; for Kr ions in Ag, Al, Au, C, Ni, Lu, Pb, Th; He ions in Au, Lu, Th, Pb; and for O ions in Au, C, Ni ; Fontana 2016 (Fon16) for Au and Ti ions in Nb2O5, Ta2O5, SiO2; Si ions in Nb2O5, Ta2O5; and O ions in Nb2O5, SiO2; Pascual-Izarra 2004 (Ps04c) for He, Si and Ar ions in Si3N4.
Updated figures: O in Ta2O5; Si in SiO2; ; I in Au; Ti in Al, Ag, and C; He ions in Nb2O5, Ta2O5, SiO2, H2S, Ag, Al, C, Ni and in liquid ethyl alcohol.
New data and figures: Bruckner 2018 (Bru18) for H in Ni; Moro 2018 (Mor18) for H and He ions in V; Trzaska (2018) for He ions in Ag, Al, C, Ni. The rest of measurements by Trzaska et al will be included in next update.
Updated figures: He ions in Pd;H ions in Si, Ti, TiO2.
New data and figures: Roth 2017 (Ro17b) for H in oxides: HfO2, Ta2O5, VO2, and ZnO; Linares 2017 (Lin17) for Ti, V, and Cr ions in Au and Ge.
Updated figures: H, He and Ne ions in TiN; U in Ar, Au, C, Kr, Mylar, Ti and Zr
New data and figures: Vockenhuber 2017 (Vok17) for Si in N2; Sortica 2017 (Sor17) for H, He and Ne in TiN; Goebl 2014 (Go14) for He in In (includes existing data by Chu 1969).
New figures:
He ion in Mn and Pd (data by Rosenblum 1928, Chu 1969, White 1969, and Eckardt 1978);
Li ion in Kr, O2 and Xe (data by Andersen 1978);
U ion in Bi, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ho, Mo, Nb, Pd, Rh, Sc, Sm, Sn, Ta, Th, V, Y, and Zn (data by Geissel 1998, by Bimbot 1980 and by Barbui 2010) ;
Different ions (Br, I, S, Fe, B, Li, Ni, Si) in Si3N4;
Updated figures:
U in Ag, Al, Be, Butane, He, N2, Ne, Ni, and Xe (SRIM13 included);
C, O and Cl ions in Si3N4 (SRIM13 included).
New data: Torresi 2016 (To16) for He in O; Brockenbank 2016 (Bro16)for H in Ti, Si and TiO2; Roth 2017 (Ro17) for H in Gd and Ta (low energy).
New figures: Br in Al2O3 (TEC13); I in Al2O3 (Kny06); H in La (Kn80, Kt83, Si84); Au in Mylar (Bbi10); Ti in Mylar (Hk94,Shr00); Xe in Mylar (Bi80); H in ZnSiP2 (Kh84).
Updated figures: H in Zn (low v); N and Cl in Al2O3 (SRIM and ICRU curves); H in Al (data by M30326604 has been included), and H in Al (low v); U in Ar, Kr, Xe, Ti and Zr (SRIM13 curves included).
New data: Fontana 2016 (Fon16): He in Nb2O5 (new figure, with ZW06 data), He in Ta2O5, He in SiO2, O in Ta2O5, Si in SiO2 (updated figures); Fadanelli 2016 (Fa16): H and He in ZnO (new figures).
New figures: H in TiO2 and H in Ga (data already in this database); H in Zn low energy, vs velocity.
Theory: Grande 2016 (Gr16), Quinto 2015 (Quin15) and Garcia-Molina 2011 (GarM11) in figure H in H2O phase effect; Montanari 2014 (Mon14) in figure H in CH4; CasP5.2 en H in Pb; Cabrera-Trujillo 2008 (Cab08) in H+Li.
Updated figures: H in Zn (include Go14 data); He in Al2O3 (include Br98 and Can12 data); H in B, Be, Ni, Li, Pb, HAl2O3, and He in Zn (updated SRIM13); and H in W, Si, Sb, Ge, Ti, Rb, Cr.
New data for Ne in Ag and Pt (Naq16), new figure for Ne in Pt, updated figure for Ne in Ag
New data for H in Al and Mo (Mor16), updated figures
New data for C and O in Si3N4
(Gue16), updated figures
New data for Si and Cu in Si3N4
(Gue16), new figures and previous data for Si in Si3N4 (TEC13)
New data for O and C in Ti (Msi15), updated figures, MSTAR and SRIM13
New data for Mg, Al and Cu in Ti (Msi15), new figures, includes previous data, MSTAR, SRIM13 and CasP5.2
Data and new figure for O in polypropylene and Formvar (Dib15b, Mik15), MSTAR and SRIM13
New data for O in Mylar (Dib15b), updated figure
New data for He in Ag and Sn (Kum15), updated figures, MSTAR and SRIM13
New data for H in Pt (Cel15), updated figure, SRIM13
C and O in polypropylene, updated figure (Mik15), SRIM13
New figures for H in Hf, data (Si84); B in Kapton, data
(Ra90); and Al in Ni,
data (Fs76, Wr79), SRIM13 and MSTAR
H in Nb, C, Cu, Au, and Ag, updated figures
and full data files
He in Al, updated figure, SRIM13 and (Mon06)
Li in Kapto, and O in Polycarbonate, updated figures, SRIM13, and full data files
Data and new figures for Al, Si and Cu in PVC
(Dib15), SRIM13 and MSTAR
Data for C and O in Kapton (Mik16), updated figures
H in H2, updated figure
Data for C, Al, Si, and Cu in Mylar (Dib15b), updated figures and
Data and new figures for F and Mg in Mylar (Dib15b), MSTAR and SRIM13
Data and new figures for C, F, Al, Si, Mg in polypropylene (Dib15b), previous data
included, SRIM13 and MSTAR
Data and new figures for C and F in Formvar (Dib15b), SRIM13
Figure for Mg in Formvar, data (Gue14), SRIM13
Figure for Mg in Polycarbonate, data (Shr02), MSTAR and SRIM13
Data and Figures
C and O in Si3N4 (Mik15 and BA15)
Data C and O in Polypropylene (Mik15)
Data and Figures He in Al, Ti and Ni (Diw15)
Figure for He in TiO2, data (Lb96, Li14b)
Figures for H, He, and O in H2.
Data for Nd, Pm, Sm in Cd, La in Sn, I in Ag, Cs in Sn (Pas15)
Data for H and He ions in TiO2 (Lb96, Li14b); for H ions in H, He and N gas (Cn14)